Useful stuff for project management people
What is budget planning in PPM?
Planning is crucial for a project’s success, and budget planning is a key element of that plan. Learn what budget planning entails, how it helps mitigate future risks and how the right PPM software can help.
April 11, 2023

min read

5 reasons you should be using Kanban boards
For many businesses that successfully implement Agile working, there’s a pretty good chance that Kanban boards are playing a significant role behind the scenes.
December 1, 2022

min read

Are meetings a waste of time?
We’ve all been there, unenthusiastically waving goodbye as you exit your fourth Zoom meeting of the morning, trudging over to the kettle as you mutter to yourself “that definitely could have been an email”.
September 22, 2022

min read

Work hard or work smart?
At Fluid, our motto is ‘work a better day, live a better life.’ Here’s how it’s helping us revolutionise the world of work, and what I’d like to share about our journey.
September 22, 2021

min read
Find out how other teams like yours are working a better day.
We’ll show you how Fluid can help your team, division, or company - no matter the size.