July 11, 2023
min read
Last updated:
September 20, 2023

Agile project management software: What is it & How to start

July 11, 2023
min read
Last updated:
September 20, 2023

Agile project management software: What is it & How to start

Agile project management software for flexibility and project success 

Organisations are moving fast and constantly finding methodologies that promote collaboration, flexibility, and efficient delivery. Agile methodology, with its iterative and incremental approach, has risen as a game-changer for project success in today's business landscape. 

What is the agile methodology?  

Agile methodology is a project management approach that prioritises flexibility, customer collaboration, and continuous improvement. Agile working enables teams to adjust to change, receive feedback, and deliver value in small increments rather than following original plans. This approach allows teams to be flexible and responsive to evolving circumstances. 

By embracing agile working, teams can always improve their processes and outcomes. They can quickly respond to customer needs and market demands, ensuring that their deliverables remain relevant and valuable. Agile working promotes collaboration, communication, and innovation within teams, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. This methodology is a driver for increased customer satisfaction, reduced project risks, and enhanced flexibility to changing requirements. 

You might be wondering, why your business needs to implement agile? Well, there’s a lot of benefits to this way of working! According to studies*, companies had an average growth in revenue and profit of a whopping 60%! With those stats you can understand why more organisations want to adopt this methodology.   

How is Agile project management software different?  

As organisations catch on to the awesomeness of agile methodology, the demand for agile PM software has gone through the roof! These software solutions help teams collaborate like pros, adapt to changes, and consistently deliver top-notch products or services.  

Traditional project management software emphasises detailed planning and strict timelines, while agile software prioritises adaptability and responding to changing needs. Agile tools aid teams in making and handling product backlogs, using iterative development cycles, and holding sprint planning and review meetings. These features allow seamless collaboration, prioritisation, and ongoing improvement throughout the project lifecycle.   

How does agile project management software make a difference?  

Agile project management software: the life-changing tool helping teams unlock a multiple benefits of the agile methodology. 

Embracing agility for adaptability 

Embracing agility for adaptability, this cutting-edge software promotes flexibility and responsiveness as its core values. Say goodbye to rigid plans and fixed timelines! With agile methodology, teams can adapt to changing requirements and market dynamics, ensuring that their projects stay on the right track.   

Collaboration is easy with agile software, fostering effective teamwork, idea sharing, and real-time feedback. By empowering teams to adjust and improve projects, this software gives faster delivery of valuable outcomes for increased customer satisfaction and business success. 

Streamlining workflows with continuous delivery 

Agile project management software streamlines workflows through iterative development cycles known as sprints. During each sprint, teams prioritise and deliver increments, managing project stakeholders effectively to ensure they receive value at regular intervals. This iterative approach gives the chance for frequent feedback and validation, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall product quality.    

Automating processes for efficiency 

Automation plays a big role when it comes to agile project management software - enhancing team efficiency. Gone are the days of time-consuming tasks like work assignment! Automated progress updates and notifications save valuable time and reduce the risk of human error (as well as the need for umpteen coffees!).  

Automation promotes consistency and standardisation across projects, ensuring teams keep to best practices and predefined workflows. So, team members can concentrate on higher-value activities and creative problem-solving, resulting in increased productivity and improved project outcomes. 

Enhancing overall productivity and collaboration 

Agile project management software creates a collaborative and transparent work environment. Team members can easily access project information, share updates, and collaborate on tasks. By providing a centralised platform, agile software fosters effective communication and alignment among team members, stakeholders, and project managers. Team members can view their tasks, track progress, and stay informed about project developments in real-time. This enhanced visibility leads to improved decision-making, reduced delays, and increased overall productivity – talk about a win! 

Must-have features for your agile project management software  

Agile project management software is a game-changer, designed to meet the unique needs, enabling seamless collaboration, swift adaptation, and the delivery of exceptional products. But how do you go about choosing the perfect tool for your agile projects? Here’s the must-have features to consider:   

·  Agile framework support 

Look for powerful software that excels at supporting Scrum and Kanban methodologies. It empowers teams to efficiently organise, plan sprints, and break down projects into user stories. This ensures seamless collaboration and transparency. This helpful support guarantees your team will embrace agility and achieve remarkable results! 

·  Iterative planning and execution 

Agile thrives on change, so let your software be a chameleon! Look for features that let you shuffle tasks effortlessly and plan sprints seamlessly. Give your team the power to adjust priorities, tasks, and requirements as the project evolves. And hey, who said you can’t use a Gantt chart for agile project management. Deliver incremental value with each iteration and watch your team achieve remarkable results – that’s why you should use a Gantt chart for agile project management

·  Agile task management and Kanban boards 

The dynamic duo of project management! They empower teams to create, prioritise, and assign user stories to sprints, while visualising workflows and tracking progress. With drag-and-drop functionality, teams can effortlessly glide tasks across stages, ensuring a workflow that's smooth and transparent. 

·  Collaboration and communication tools 

Agile thrives on frequent collaboration, so your software better bring its A-game! Real-time messaging, comments, notifications, and task assignment features are a must for boosting teamwork and coordination. With these collaborative tools, your team can effortlessly share updates, discuss project details, and conquer challenges like a boss! 

·  Meeting support 

Daily standup meetings are the heartbeat of agile project management meetings for teams. Your project management software should be supporting these meetings with progress updates, impediment highlights, and efficient task coordination. Seek features that make meetings quick, focused, and keep everyone in the loop. Because who has time for long, boring meetings? 

·  Agile reporting 

Find software that serves up customisable and visually stunning reports to track team performance, sprint velocity, and overall project progress. These reports dish out valuable insights into team productivity, project health, and potential bottlenecks. This allows data-driven decision making and improvements. 

·  Integration with agile tools 

For a seamless workflow, your agile project management software should integrate with Agile tech team tools such as Jira and DevOps. This integration allows teams to work in their preferred environments whilst benefiting from the agile project management features provided by the software. It fosters a cohesive ecosystem and enhances productivity. 

Top 5 agile project management software solutions 

To support the dynamic approach of the agile methodology, a variety of solutions have emerged. These tools are designed to facilitate the flexibility that agile demands. Let's explore some of the top solutions that are making waves in the Agile community. 


Fluid is a powerful Agile project management software, empowering teams with seamless collaboration, efficient task management, and real-time progress tracking. Its intuitive interface and robust features make it a top choice for agile teams. 

Fluid PPM software Kanban board example
Fluid PPM software Kanban board

Key Features: 

  • Interactive meeting feature for effective collaboration and minimum admin 
  • Real-time task delegation and progress monitoring 
  • Gantt chart view for visualising project timelines
  • Agile task boards and Kanban-style workflows 
  • Resource management and workload balancing 


  • User-friendly interface with easy onboarding 
  • Centralised communication and file-sharing 
  • Customisable workflows to fit team preferences 
  • In-depth reporting and analytics for data-driven decisions 


Monday.com is a versatile solution designed to support agile teams in managing projects with ease. It provides a wide range of customisable features to cater to diverse collaboration needs. 

monday.com software homepage

Key Features: 

  • Gantt chart for visual project planning 
  • Customisable automation recipes for streamlined workflows 
  • Time tracking capabilities for accurate productivity assessment 
  • Seamless integrations with popular tools for enhanced productivity 


  • Extensive collaboration and communication tools 
  • 24/7 customer support for timely assistance 
  • Intuitive mobile app for on-the-go project management 


  • Some features require higher-tier plans 
  • User interface may feel overwhelming for new users  


Trello is a popular web-based project management tool known for its simplicity and visual appeal. It utilises a Kanban board approach to help teams organise tasks and projects effectively. 

Trello software homepage
Atlassian Trello

Key Features: 

  • Kanban cards for task tracking and organisation 
  • Activity feed for real-time updates and collaboration 
  • Checklists to break down tasks into subtasks 
  • Calendar view for managing deadlines and schedules 


  • Easy-to-use interface for quick onboarding 
  • Ideal for small to mid-sized teams and projects 
  • Seamless integration with various third-party apps 


  • Limited reporting and analytics capabilities 
  • May lack advanced features required for larger and complex projects 


Wrike is a cloud-based project management software. Wrike offers a comprehensive set of features to support agile teams in planning, executing, and tracking projects. 

Wrike software homepage

Key Features: 

  • Customisable request forms for work intake 
  • Visual timeline view for easy project planning 
  • Collaboration and document sharing features 
  • Time tracking and resource management capabilities  


  • Scalable solution suitable for mid-sized to large enterprises 
  • Advanced reporting and analytics for data-driven insights 
  • Extensive integrations with popular business tools 


  • Steeper learning curve for new users 
  • Some features may require higher-tier plans 


Asana is widely-used project management software that caters to agile teams with its user-friendly interface and robust collaboration features. 

Asana software homepage

Key Features: 

  • Agile task management and prioritisation 
  • Calendar view for easy deadline tracking 
  • Progress tracking and project status updates 
  • Templates for efficient project setup 


  • Intuitive design and easy team onboarding 
  • Seamless integration with various business apps 
  • Ideal for small to medium-sized teams 


  • Limited reporting features in lower-tier plans 
  • Advanced features may require premium plans 

Each of these solutions offers unique features and benefits, catering to the specific needs of agile teams. Consider the size of your team, project complexity, and budget while selecting the most suitable software. 

How to ensure you choose the right agile PM software  

Unlock the true potential of your team with agile project management software that streamlines workflows, fosters collaboration, and ensures project success. But how do you find the perfect fit for your agile team? 

Key factors to consider when choosing the right software 

  • Functionality 

Evaluate features and capabilities that align seamlessly with your preferred agile framework (Scrum, Kanban, etc.). Look for tools that offer agile-specific functionalities like sprint planning, backlog management, user story prioritisation, and real-time progress tracking. 

  • Scalability 

Predict future growth and opt for a solution that scales with your organisation, so efficiency is never compromised. 

  • Ease of use 

Swift decision-making is the heart of agile teams. Select a user-friendly interface that minimises the learning curve, enabling teams to hit the ground running. 

  • Centralised Management 

Say goodbye to information silos and embrace seamless collaboration. Choose software that consolidates all project-related data, communication, and documentation into one platform. 

How to get started 

There’s a lot of information and it can start to feel overwhelming. To successfully implement a new agile project management software, careful planning and execution are crucial. Let's dive into the steps that will pave the way for a smooth and successful implementation: 

  1. Assess your needs: 

Start by examining your organisation's current project management practices. Identify pain points and uncover specific requirements and goals. This will help you determine the necessary features and functionalities for the new software, addressing your unique challenges. 

  1. Research and select the right software: 

Explore different options for agile project management software. Consider factors like scalability, user-friendliness, integration capabilities, and customer support. Choose software that aligns with your organisation's needs, budget, and long-term goals. 

  1. Conduct free trials: 

Take advantage of vendors' free trial offers for agile project management software. Encourage stakeholders and team members to actively participate, exploring features and functionalities. The trial period allows hands-on experience, evaluating alignment with specific project management needs and identifying potential challenges. 

  1. Understand the training and support provided: 

It’s important for your new software provider to empower team members with the skills and knowledge they need. It’s a good idea to understand what support is provided as adoption is crucial with a new software.  

  1. Ensure you can customise the software: 

Tailoring the software to meet your organisation's specific needs is important. Configure project templates, workflows, and user access levels based on different roles within the company. 

  1. Choose your supplier and continue to monitor  

Once you’ve chosen your software, keep an eye on implementation progress and gather feedback from users. Use feedback to identify any issues or areas for improvement. Let feedback guide you towards optimisation. 

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to using the best agile project management software.  


*Zippia. "16 Amazing Agile Statistics [2023]: What Companies Use Agile Methodology" Zippia.com. Nov. 27, 2022, https://www.zippia.com/advice/agile-statistics/ 

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