Modern Anti-Slavery Policy

At Fluid Business Solutions Limited, we are steadfast in our commitment to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking from our operations and supply chain. We believe in conducting business responsibly and ethically, upholding the principles of human rights, and fostering a workplace and supply chain free from exploitation.

Our Commitment
Fluid Business Solutions Limited condemns all forms of modern slavery, including human trafficking, forced labour, and other exploitative practices. Our commitment extends beyond mere compliance with laws and regulations; we actively seek to make a positive impact by promoting fair and ethical business practices.

Key Principles1.
Transparency and Accountability: We aretransparent about our efforts to combat modern slavery. We hold ourselvesaccountable for the impact of our business operations on human rights andactively work to address any identified risks.2.    Supply Chain Due Diligence: FluidBusiness Solutions Limited conducts thorough due diligence on suppliers toensure that they share our commitment to ethical practices. We assess risks,engage with suppliers on compliance, and collaborate to create a responsibleand transparent supply chain.3.    Employee Empowerment: We empower ouremployees through education and awareness programs. Our team is trained torecognize the signs of modern slavery, and we provide channels for reportingany concerns or violations, ensuring confidentiality and protection fromretaliation.4.   Continuous Improvement: We acknowledgethe dynamic nature of modern slavery risks and are committed to continuousimprovement. We regularly review and enhance our policies, procedures, andtraining to align with evolving best practices and legislative requirements.        Stakeholder CollaborationFluid Business Solutions Limited invites collaboration withstakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the widercommunity, to collectively contribute to the fight against modern slavery.Together, we can create a world where businesses operate ethically, and humanrights are upheld. Reporting ConcernsIf you have any concerns related to modern slavery withinour operations or supply chain, please contact us at Wetake all reports seriously and will investigate promptly and confidentially. This statement is in accordance with the requirements of theModern Slavery Act 2015 and is endorsed by the board of Fluid BusinessSolutions Limited.

SOC Audits:
Azure also regularly undergoes Service Organization Control (SOC) audits, further strengthening the security of Fluid. The SOC 1 audit evaluates controls related to financial reporting, which can impact financial statements when using Azure services. Additionally, the SOC 2 audit scrutinizes Azure's controls concerning security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. This ensures that your application operates within a secure and compliant environment. For ease of reference, Azure's SOC 3 reports provide publicly available summaries of the SOC 2 audit, offering high-level assurance of the security and compliance measures in place

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